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Providing guidance and support since 1996

NISIG provides support in person and online support meetings, Live Chat and our Helpline.



Do you need support?

NISIG - Ireland’s National Infertility Support and Information 
Group is here to help! Providing guidance and support since 1996.

Our Services

The National Infertility Support and Information Group (NISIG) is a registered charity, formed in 1996 by a small group experiencing fertility issues. There have been considerable changes in the fertility landscape since NISIG’s formation, we provide the following support services for people on the journey to have their family;

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NISIG run a helpline for queries from 10am-10pm Monday to Friday. Helen, who co-founded NISIG 29 years ago, after 12 years of fertility treatment, mans this helpline, and is here to listen, support, and offer advice on your journey.

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Support meetings

We offer a range of support meetings designed to provide emotional support, resources, and a safe space for those affected by infertility.

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Live Chat support

NISIG have a webchat resource available, which is open Mondays & Thursday evenings from 7:00pm to 9: 30pm.Sarah, who you will be speaking to you via Live chat, has been a NISIG member for over 20 years, and will be able to provide peer to peer support, understanding and useful information.

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Useful links

Find useful resources and websites offering information, support, and guidance related to fertility, including educational tools, emotional support networks, and professional services.</br>

Latest from NISIG

Press Release Jan 16, 2025

Launch of the New Edition of the European Atlas of Fertility Treatment Policies

Today, the National Infertility Support and information Group (NISIG) has welcomed the launch of the new European Atlas of Fertility Treatment Policies

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Event Dec 19, 2024

NISIG in person support meeting in Cork

The next general in-person support meetings will take place in Cork on the following date: Friday, January 24th from 8pm & Friday, March 14th from 8pm

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Event Dec 18, 2024

NISIG online support meetings

This online support meeting will take place on Saturday January 18th 2025 – 10:30am to midday

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Books currently available from NISIG

NISIG, with funding from the HSE, have self-published a series of children’s donor storybooks for families who have used donor egg or donor sperm to create their families.


Publicly Funded IVF Scheme

The publicly funded IVF scheme launched in September 2023, provides free fertility services through the HSE to couples struggling to conceive who meet the set criteria. You can access free assisted human reproduction services (including IVF) at a HSE fertility clinic and further treatment may be available at a clinic of your choosing.

Below is the link to the HSE’s Fertility Information booklet and further information on HSE's website.

What to expect at a regional fertility hub

Dr LucyAnn Behan, Consultant Endocrinologist in the Coombe Hospital explore the different investigations and treatments available in the Regional Fertility Hub. There are 6 hubs around the country – in Dublin in the National Maternity Hospital, the Rotunda Hospital and the Coombe Hospital, and across the country in Cork, Galway and Nenagh.

Watch this short video explaining how this works.


“Hugely Beneficial”

I attended a support meeting not long after a miscarriage through treatment, feeling crushed and low, and found the gentle and compassionate support invaluable. It was also hugely beneficial to my husband as he encountered his own fertility diagnosis and was able to meet other men in similar situations with similar feelings.

“Thank You NISIG”

The support I have received from NISIG has been a lifeline. I have attended workshops in Dublin and Webinars online. I feel now I am more prepared and less frightened of the unknown. I can be honest and share my worries in a safe environment. There is no judgment, one is met with support and advice. It is simply wonderful to meet people who understand your journey as they have experienced it. I realise as a family we are on a wonderful journey and the NISIG community will always have our back. Thank you, NISIG.

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Group 1264